C.F. Dalton

Veritas Aequitas

Schedule for 2024

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Monday: Rebuttal - 0900

Wednesday: Bits & Pieces - 0900

Friday: Book Review - 0900

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Tuesday: Article - 0900

Thursday; Article - 0900

Saturday: X Space - TBD

On Creating Yourself

                What does it mean to truly keep one’s virtues intact? Does one perform this arduous task by adhering to the mores of society, ensuring that their every movement is in line with the world? Does one increase their devotion to their religion, their cause, their beliefs? Or does one simply absorb the virtues of those which they herald? If a man does not have a clear set of principles which govern their actions in life, then their ideas will be controlled by another, be that a government, religion or cause. Instead of man controlling his ideals, he is destined for another to perform this task for him. Men must change this concept for life or he will be the slave of another who has dedicated the time and energy to manipulate others, bending others to their will and to serve his interests. Men must strive to be the shepherd and not the sheep of the world, both serving his group and having his flock provide for the shepherd directly. There is so much servitude within this world and not enough individual ideology, creating a true pandemic in the modern era. Without individual thought, an individual’s collection of virtues established by the man himself, then he will forever serve the tyrants which he has crowned within his own mind, forever in service of another and forever place his own subconscious in doubt.

                What then can be done about this treacherous abandonment of the self? The answer is quite simple: create your own virtues which control your life, answer to them and not to others. If you are a faithful man, do only what your own beliefs will allow. In exemplum, you don’t commit adultery because it is immoral to you, though it is not illegal. You don’t lie even though the legal system says you cannot be charged for it, but because your faith won’t allow it. Create your own Cardinal Virtue which will mold your own Code of Ethics, transforming you into the man you desire to be. By establishing for yourself the way to live life, you are liberated from others who would desire to control your every move, freeing your subconscious from a slave aspect and leading to being a Master of your life.

                The writer would caution the reader when it concerns how they liberate themselves. Doing so does not excuse you from the laws of the world, but rather releases your mind from the concept of being told what to do, what to think and what to feel. In this manner, the future master of the self must search for the principles to create their Code of Conduct by finding mentors, studying their beliefs through the beliefs of wiser men and to establish oneself by attributing their mentor's codes into their life.

                Remember that life is not about finding yourself, but rather about creating yourself.