C.F. Dalton

Veritas Aequitas

Schedule for 2024

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Monday: Rebuttal - 0900

Wednesday: Bits & Pieces - 0900

Friday: Book Review - 0900

On X":

Tuesday: Article - 0900

Thursday; Article - 0900

Saturday: X Space - TBD

On Thought and Character

Man is literally what he thinks. Whatever forms itself into his mind, a man becomes that notion for life. Whatever a man feels in his bones will determine what he desires to accomplish in his life. Whatever a man subjects his mind to, that is what will determine what he will be. If he believes in himself, he will not be subjected to the mores of those which surround him. Where there is despair, he will find hope when he solidifies in his mind to focus on what will bring himself out of the darkness. Instead of being a prisoner in his life, a man who believes in himself and erects an image in his mind for what he ought to be will find success. He is the keystone in his own life, making his thoughts the most relevant voice of reason, subjecting himself to his own will. How glorious would it be if all thought in this manner? How many lives could be changed if only one’s thought concerning life would be rearranged?

Throughout the ages, men tend to blame others for their discursions, refusing to admit that they are responsible for their own actions. What these men do not understand is this: man creates the weapons which will destroy himself. When a man believes he is weak, he has spoken his fate into existence, causing his life to be full of trials in which will cause him despair. When a student believes they are horrible at a subject, their attitude will shift towards a path which shall lead them to the point where they will be in constant struggle with themselves. When a father believes he is a failure, he will be seen as such by his family, potentially leading his own outlook on life to become skewed. There have been whole books written upon how someone may alter what they are now, break the chains of their bad habits for a better life. The truth is quite simple. Man is the lord of his own thoughts; he has the power to make himself what he wills. Essentially, decide what you truly wish to be, carve out a blueprint towards that life, and act so that you can will that your maxim for life will be a universal law.

Discovering one’s self is determined trough application, self-analysis and experience. Once a man has determined what he wills to become, he must be vigilant in his approach towards a better life. A man must also understand that the code of manliness is not a trait which may be achieved and kept forever without holding one’s self accountable. Manliness is like a world title which must be defended. It must be looked upon as something which must be molded, which must be sculpted and when it is only beautiful for a moment. The tides of life will whither away the fine edges, the face shall become disfigured and the sculpture of this man will eventually fall away. Man cannot win such a battle, which is why it is urgent that he alters his mind and force himself to be remembered as a man with whom he would be proud to know. Every man may accomplish this, if he is diligent enough.

Finally, in order to connect the mind with the body and force it to bend to your will, man must be ready to act upon his thoughts. Action is the blossom of thought, allowing the body to surrender to the will of the subconscious, allowing the man to mold himself into who he believes he ought to be. This will lead him to what he will become and what he will be remembered by.

A man is literally what he thinks, growing through right thought, right action and the ability to understand himself.