C.F. Dalton

Veritas Aequitas

Schedule for 2024

On Website:

Monday: Rebuttal - 0900

Wednesday: Bits & Pieces - 0900

Friday: Book Review - 0900

On X":

Tuesday: Article - 0900

Thursday; Article - 0900

Saturday: X Space - TBD

Get Drunk on This

Sometimes, I find it necessary, for people to get drunk. Too many times in this modern world, men and women get to caught up with themselves, their lives and their problems that they find themselves so stressed out and burned down, that all that could possibly aid them, is to take a drink. Too many times people are shocked when I tell them this, believing that I am condoning someone to turn to alcoholism to solve all their problems; rest assured, that isn’t the case. Too often, I am taken out of context, but this is the absolute truth. Humanity has built a prison of a world that they thought would be a home, one where they believed we could live here in harmony instead of the loneliness which we all feel within our bones. When they here me say “have a drink” they think of the drink of loneliness they have in the shanties of their lives, the one which they have surrounded by strangers, the one which they tell themselves “it’s better than drinking alone”. The human condition shouldn’t dwell within such a dismal place but should rather be lifted up to the rafters among friends, those who actually enjoy the company of one another. One should not feel that the company of strangers is the closest thing to obtaining friendship and harmony in this life. One should be exuberant in the fulfillment of joy and splendor of the night, surrounded by those which fulfill their heart’s need for companionship. Believe me when I say “get drunk on this”, I am not saying reach for the neck of the bottle, I am saying reach for the neck of those who will lift you to the height of who you are.