The Power of Council
We must ensure that our council is only among the wise. With each step towards the chambers of astute individuals, we take another step towards becoming the men we desire to be. Each connection we make towards excellence drastically shortens the path for which we take in our search for a life’s purpose. With every shortening of this length of time, we can see our dreams made manifest at an alarming rate, causing a mans life purpose to emerge into fruition. A man cannot emerge into what he wants to become alone; he must rely on the allies he accumulates over his career to aid in the rise. Just as they were there for him, so too must he be available for the friends he acquires. In this manner, his allies will stand by his side instead of abandoning at the first sign of struggle. A Mannerbund is essential for the dream of men to survive. It is crucial for groups of men to unite under a common purpose, fighting against the dying light.