How Faith is Forged
The only impact divination has upon one’s subconscious is the furthering of already accepted ideology. When one studies heartache in prayer and meditation, he will experience a state of apophenia leading to both Selection and Confirmation bias. When one reflects upon these fallacies, he has a greater chance of displacing his own knowledge of such matters, enlarging the previous subconscious thought and transfiguring these reflections into a virtue. When willingness to welcome concepts in this manner appear, it alters every belief system which has existed previously. By elevating a thought on sanctity from one way of faith, he, in turn, degrades the idea of the fruits of the spirit coming from any other source. When he places a feeling of trust into a philosophy or idea, he places a sense of suspicion, paranoia, and disbelief in all other concepts which come into his life. Every tribe casts suspicion on those who seem not to belong. Truly, anyone who has ever believed in something has placed their beliefs over the virtues of another. This is not to say anything is wrong with such an approach, only that no one is left unguilted of this technique.