C.F. Dalton

Veritas Aequitas

Schedule for 2024

On Website:

Monday: Rebuttal - 0900

Wednesday: Bits & Pieces - 0900

Friday: Book Review - 0900

On X":

Tuesday: Article - 0900

Thursday; Article - 0900

Saturday: X Space - TBD

A Speech on Training

Human beings learn in two ways: conflict and pain. Despite what any "self-help" book will tell you, this is the only way humans advance. Despite what any mentor will try and say against this thought, it is what makes people who and what they are. Despite what any thought of antagonism is running through your mind at this point, there is no other way. When you are working on improving your body, you undergo the pain which will transform your appearance. The countless hours studying for a test and the conflict related to this process is rewarded with a passing grade on the exam. It is only after you work through the conflict within your company as you climb that corporate ladder that you finally achieve that position you truly desire. Instead of embracing the challenge, humans today have the motivation of a Sloth, laying around and hoping to get what they want. It is frustrating to see people, with so much potential, accepting and embracing mediocrity. All training is sacrifice, our conflicts and pains mold us, leading us to an end which is only the beginning.