C.F. Dalton

Veritas Aequitas

Schedule for 2024

On Website:

Monday: Rebuttal - 0900

Wednesday: Bits & Pieces - 0900

Friday: Book Review - 0900

On X":

Tuesday: Article - 0900

Thursday; Article - 0900

Saturday: X Space - TBD

One Year Out

A little over a year ago, I started this website initially with a simple aspect in mind. I planned on having a platform of my own which I could share my writing, my thoughts on particular topics and to have a place where I would be able to display my published works. Today, I have sold thousands of copies of my books and have had thousands of people visit my site. I am thankful for all of you and am happy that so many people have taken a liking to my work. Truly, this has been quite the experience. I’ve learned a lot about not only myself, but also have expanded my writing capability to levels which they never were before. Over this past year, I’ve written four books and 35 journal entries, many of which would never have been possible without making the attempt to work on this website as often as possible. It’s been quite a long year, but a productive one.

                As far as the future of this project is concerned, there are a few things I desire to dabble with. One is FINALLY starting a consistent podcast, which will be available right here under the heading “Discourses on Discourses”. Another will be making the attempt to get onto Youtube and making some content there. As far as writing is concerned, I am still going to make it my effort to write at least one article weekly. However, I plan on elaborating on a few of my previous ones and making them a full-fledged essay which may standalone as collections of essays. I will publish the content which is already on the website into a hardcover edition soon and am even thinking of selling a couple signed copies directly, donning my signature. I may also be selling some of my personal books on this site, as well.

                Next year will be chocked full of novels, short-stories and perhaps, even a play. As expected, I will continue the story of Ezekiel March, but I will also introduce more characters which inhabit what I now consider the Daltonverse. It hasn’t been easy to craft a singular universe with all of my fiction, but I believe I’ve finally mastered the art of crafting such a thing. All of my stories, plays, novels and even poetry are connected. With Ezekiel March, I’ve actually started in the middle of the timeline. Anything else for which I will write will take place either before, during or after Ezekiel’s life. He is the cornerstone of my writing because he is an insignificant figure in the grand scheme of the Cosmos which was necessary to shape the future of this universe. Over time, his significance will become clear.

                To conclude, I enjoy the experience whole heartedly. I’ve been quite thankful of all your support, of all of your encouragement and all of your recommendations. I hope that I will have the opportunity to bring these ideas to you in a similar fashion and I hope that my friends won’t be cross with me for using some of their names in my stories.

                Again, thank you all and I hope you stay with me as I continue to bring you the best content I can produce. Truly, you all are fantastic!