An Explanation for the Future Polemic
At first, I didn’t want to even try to write something like this. Not because I felt that I couldn’t but because there are so many individuals out there who a better job has done than I at making cases for and against heated topics. However, the more I read about such “hot topic” issues, I feel that people are shouting over one another rather than presenting facts about such issues in a logical way and discerning belief based on rhetoric. As such, I have decided to break my silence on such topics, awakening my voice and allowing myself to be wide open for scrutiny and targeting from others who shout against anything which they deem is incorrect rather than display an understanding of argumentative understanding. I desire to give my Polemics in a different light than my predecessors. Unlike the bashings of the anarchist Leo Tolstoy, the Marxist idioms Fredrich Engels and the satire of George Orwell, I would like to present my writing in a distinct way, so that the reader my better understand my juxtaposition and be better able to come up with their ideology for themselves.
I will first discuss at length the history of whatever topic at hand, giving at the very least five references from reliable sources. I shall discuss their significance and how they shaped the very essence of the movement. From there, I shall move into the support of the topic, again referencing at the very least three reliable sources and discussing them at length. The same shall be done with any antithesis, delving deep into the very marrow of hatred for whatever the subject may be. Only then will I draw my conclusion, giving a solution as I see it, based on the information I have gleaned from what I have read and researched. I believe this to be the only way for myself and for others to understand and absorb whatever information is necessary to formulate a proper cognitive thought from such subjects and craft a logical opinion.
I believe that too many people formulate thoughts and opinions on things without first gathering information in such a manner, post it on social media, enflame others, establish a Domino Effect and allow such discord among society to occur in the first place concerning such heated topics. If individuals would only take the time to study and understand what they are attempting to understand, much of the world’s problems would be solved. Instead, many seek to spread their message without being properly informed, creating a tidal wave of misinformation. My hope is to remedy this and to hopefully generate a message where others will take the time necessary to understand the world around them before diving head first into a topic before understanding what it means.
Alas! We in the twenty-first century live within a dominion where we are surrounded with all the world’s information at our fingertips and yet are shrouded in a veil of ignorance. What shall save us from this bitterness and despair? Will it be the rise of those who will recognize that, yes, there are concepts which require more than intuition for our minds to wrap around? Will it be a movement of mentalities that will subject themselves to the mutual agreement that ignorance is not bliss, but is simply ignorance for its name’s sake? Or will we continue to fall from grace, continuing to troll one another on internet forums, praise meaningless protests on campuses around the world based upon the obstruction of Social Justice? Is this a culture that we as the future of the world, the Millennials, the Genxers and so forth desire to create? If so, maybe it is time for Mankind to come to an abrupt end after all.
I say all these things not to scare anyone but to shock the senses, to bring to the forefront of the mind the reality of it all that something is missing in the modern era. What is missing is the ability to think logically. What is missing is to construct cognitive thought. What is missing is the aptitude to erect abstract ideas and formulate a conclusion based on fact and not upon emotion alone. Instead of drawing my conclusions on these heated ideas based exclusively on passion, I will demonstrate how to do so based on both emotion and logic. By doing so, I shall prove unequivocally that it is an achievable feat, demonstrating the steps every step of the way. Formulating an opinion or a belief is an algorithm: one must first gather the information, way the pros and the cons of the sentiment and decide based on what they believe is truly the best outcome. I believe whole heartedly that this system is the only way that one may properly generate a sincere and concrete ideology on any idea on any concept. I pray that you, the reader, shall learn this system and that it will aid you in your search for decision in these concepts.