Who we Are and Why?
Welcome to my first Fireside Chat. This is a series where I will just speak from the heart. Through these posts, I will offer my personal opinion, what I have learned this week and what I believe on certain topics. Unlike some of my other essays, like the Polemics or the Processes, this will be very casual and from the heart.
We are who we choose to be. Look around at the people in your life and at the choices that they make. Look at what they value, what they prefer and how they respond to conflict. Look for where their focus lies, and you will learn something about people in general: everyone determines the direction of their lives by the actions they take. If you decide to do good deeds, you will resist evil ones. If your values are narcissistic, juvenile and your focus is on medial matters, then it will become impossible to be altruistic. The truth of the matter is that every action we take determines not only what kind of person we have decided to become, but also what kind of person we are rejecting. Just as a garden can only produce the fruits for which has been planted, so true can the virtues we nurture begin to flourish. People are not born, they are made. Life is not about finding yourself, but rather creating yourself.