Fireside Chat: Posessions and Our Attachments
We tend to hold our possessions in high esteem. It is natural for us to do so, as we have worked to afford them. It is only conventional for our house, car, and phones to be held in high regard in our daily lives. Therefore, it is routine to feel a loss of these possessions when they are broken or lost. However, instead of sulking over their loss, we must accept that it is also natural that possessions are fluid, and not every situation is inside our control. Losing possessions, inheritance, and even family members are no excuse to drag oneself into a well of despair. Grief becomes bearable when we understand that we are responsible for how we interpret loss. Man must remind himself that guarding himself and his possessions against harm is unachievable and that impossibilities inevitably become nightmares. To diminish the world’s power over his psyche, a man must ensure that he reminds himself that loss is natural. It is a natural action from the world and is thus outside his control.