Fireside Chat: Deep Work
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
- Marcus Aurelius
The modern era adores those who can multitask. If a man can balance multiple roles, he is seen as quite a valuable employee. If a man holds his own with his superiors, subordinates, and equals, he is seen as respectable by everyone he knows. If a man manages to make his mark in multiple disciplines, he is ordained with the title of genius. However, as the demand for multitasking is on the rise, fewer men can delve into deep work. Instead of mastering one skill, men are often pushed into multiple fields, with numerous subjects, becoming a master of none and mediocre in all. When we realize workers devoted to mastering a singular skill are lacking, where is the call for more masters of their field? As it is written in the 12th chapter of Proverbs: “He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding.” All things have two handles; we must beware of the wrong one. In fact, without both handles of industry, we risk destroying the workforce, pollice verso! Deep work is equally necessary within the confines of this society, and it is needed more and more every day.