Fireside Chat: Hand-out Mentality
When I joined the military, I did it for a few reasons. First, I needed a job with good insurance. Second, I needed an appointment with excellent college funding opportunities, advancement, and something which would help me once I transitioned to civilian life. Finally, I wanted to work for someplace that still had a pension plan. I held up my end of the bargain, and they held up theirs; I didn't file for unemployment and suckle at the government teat! Instead of cutting my losses and filing for disability, I've chosen to find a job I can still do, work through the pain, and make something of myself. This is the norm for disabled veterans: we've served this country, and many of us nearly died in the process, and accepting money for nothing is disgusting for us. Each age has its morality or spirit, which is made manifest by the particulars of that age. Today's morality is blindly accepting everything for nothing, regardless of whether or not we deserve it. There's an abundance of jobs available right now, so quit stalling and make something of yourself.